Enciclopedia Înțelepciunii

Don't mess around: if you get it wrong, you'll regret it.

Be neither stupid nor evil.

Don't rush to get down to business, but once you get down to business, be steady.

Do not praise the unworthy because he is rich.

Only a sick soul can be attracted to the impossible and be deaf to the misfortune of another.

Unhappy is he who cannot bear unhappiness.

Because of the mindless ruler the country is of no use.

About the gods, say that they exist.

He who swims on the ship's deck is neither among the living nor among the dead.

I look for the cause of all success in the gods, and not in yourself.

Man's strength comes from nature, the knowledge to speak for the good of the country comes from the soul and from discernment, and wealth is for many the result of pure chance

Listen more and speak when appropriate.

Think carefully about what you are doing.

The bad are everywhere in the majority.

The king or tyrant gains glory when he sets the first example of submission to the law.

Gratitude - the sign of the noble soul.

In the face of life's difficulties you must arm yourself with patience and temperance. Evil reigns in the world.

It's twice as hard to bear the offense from those people you least expected to offend you.

Big or small, evil must not be done.

Hilon is said to have asked Aesop, "What does Zeus do?" Aesop replied: "He exalts the small and brings down the great."

For happy people, death is far from a burden, but a blessing.

For people, work is a pleasure.

The evil man will do evil no matter what.

It is hard for a bad man to become good, and it is easy for a good man to become bad.

If money is a lot - don't be happy, if it's little - don't be sad.

If someone is lucky, do not envy him, but rejoice with him, because thus his luck becomes yours; the envious does you more harm.

If a man takes up two things that are opposite to each other, then one of them will not succeed.

If a thing can be proved by deeds then there is no point in wasting words.

If you can't avoid death, at least die with dignity.

Live with what you have, and save today's surplus for tomorrow: better to give to enemies than to beg from friends.