As the man is, so is his speech.
When guns speak, laws are silent.
When you are no longer who you were, you have no reason to cling to life.
Rhetoric is the light that illuminates the mind.
The lie closely adjoins the truth.
Better to be the injured party in a just cause, than triumphant in an unjust one
Better to admit that you don't know what you don't know, than to spout some disgusting nonsense that makes you repulsive to yourself!
Men approach the gods only when they offer salvation.
People praise what they can imitate.
The sage must restrain his unsympathetic impulses.
To be free, we should obey laws.
The hardest part is the introduction.
The greatest lack of justice is where the letter of the law rules.
Our souls are eternal, but not immortal.
Our hands seem to create a second nature in nature.
Don't be greedy if you are already rich.
It is not necessary to find out what the soul looks like.
It is not enough to be endowed with wisdom, you must know how to use it.
I hate the wise man who is not wise to himself.
Injustice is of two kinds: one on the part of those who commit it, the other, on the part of those who, although they can, do not remove the iniquity from those in relation to whom it is committed.
There never was a poet who considered another poet above himself.
No fool can be happy; there is no wise man who is unhappy.
Nothing hurts more than getting your hopes up.
Nothing is more appreciated by the people than kindness.
You have to be careful when you joke.
O Greece, how poor you are sometimes in your abundance of words!
Oh, times! Oh, morals!
Grief does not exist in itself, but in our representation.
Contradictions beget other contraries.
To act with caution is more important than to judge wisely.