Enciclopedia Înțelepciunii

Do not forget the favors that have been done you, but forget those that you have done yourself.

You cannot overcome a danger without facing it.

If you don't try, you don't know what you're capable of.

A thing whose loss you know nothing about is not lost.

To forgive no one and to forgive all is equally bad.

There is no shame in submitting to circumstances.

He who knows he is deceived cannot consider himself thus.

He who does not know how to be silent, does not know how to speak.

A small debt gives rise to a debtor, a large one - an enemy.

Unseen evil is the most unsettling.

The bad thing is faster than the good thing.

It is not easy to keep what many people like.

Few do not want to make mistakes, but all can do it.

It is foolish to fear the inevitable.

The ears bear injustice more easily than the eyes.

There is no punishment more terrible than remorse.

Nowhere is slowness more useful than in anger.

No one lives as poor as when he was born

Nothing can be done quickly and carefully.

The habits of the speaker are more persuasive than his words.

You have to think long and hard before making a firm decision.

Many take care of their own reputation, conscience, only a few.

It's easier to be upset than to be upset.

Anger is more easily borne by the hearing than by the sight.

He is called an impostor who takes when he knows he cannot give back.

To be discussed more often, to be decided, only once.

Acquitting the guilty means condemning the judge.

The insults and honors of the crowd must be regarded with indifference: do not enjoy some, nor suffer because of others.

There is an escape in the face of all sorrows - forgetting.

There is a cure for every pain - patience.