Does the listener possess more truthful information than the speaker? Not nearly. That is why there are few in the whole city who understand what you are talking about.
The man who readily admits that he does not know what he really does not, makes me believe in what he explains to me.
Passions are doomed forever, we attribute all human troubles to them, but at the same time we forget that they are actually the source of our joys.
Talent is not a noble title to be passed down from one generation to another.
Only he who is as stupid as us is smart.
The intelligent man sees before him the vast field of the possible, the uneducated sees the possible only in what is. Therefore, one can behave timidly, and another, boldly.
The intelligent man is a combination of the craziest molecules.
I wandered at night in a dense forest and my only guide was the faint flame of the candle I held in my hand. Suddenly, a stranger appeared before me and said: "Friend, blow out the candle so that I can find the right path." This stranger was a theologian.
Abusive words are an offense not only to the one who hears them, but also to the one who utters them.
Be gentle, humane, approachable, merciful and generous; let not your greatness be an obstacle to benevolent relations with little men, put yourselves in their position, and thus your kindness will not diminish either the power you have, or the respect of others.
Listen to every word that deserves attention; let all see that you think and feel as you ought to think and feel. Act in such a way that good people love you, bad people fear you, and everyone respects you.
Honor your parents at any age.
There is nothing perfect in the world.
We must show patience in whatever we do. We must also be patient with people who have made mistakes.
Every parent must refrain in the presence of their children not only from actions, but also from words that can lead to injustice or violence, such as: cursing, swearing, beating or any other kind of aggressive gesture, and not must allow those around the children to set such bad examples.
Every child is born ignorant. The duty of the parents is to give the child science.
It is much better to prevent crimes than to punish them.
Hypocrisy is alien to great men: they despise all mischief.
The child shows his gratitude to his parents through obedience and respect.
The true mistress must be decent, modest, cautious, God-fearing, respect her mother-in-law and father-in-law, raise her children in an atmosphere of love, justice, be kind to relatives, listen only to good words, and avoid lies, not to be lazy and tight-fisted.
We must awaken in them (the young) the pleasure of hard work and the fear of old age, which is the source of all evils and all errors.
Study men, try to make use of them, and do not trust them indiscriminately; look for true value, even if it is to be found at the end of the world: it is often modest and (hiding somewhere) far away. Heroism is not born in the crowd, it is not greedy, it does not stir and it does not let itself be forgotten.
The skilful archer, if he misses the mark, does not blame the bow or the arrows, but looks for the cause within himself; nor does he lose his good humor and cheerfulness, just for this much.
Books, even if they don't speak, are a mirror that tell about everyone's guilt and sin.
He who is envious and wants sometimes one thing, sometimes another, will not have joy.
The man who does not rejoice in the midst of gaiety is either sick or has evil thoughts.
The old age of one who has not learned in his youth is dull.
He who is used to work makes everything easier.
He who is satisfied with his condition is happy.
Trândăvia is a bad teacher.