Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

Such a role is played by the name of the master of art. If the prince wears a ring with a bohemian stone, everyone takes it for a diamond, and if the beggar wears a diamond ring, everyone would be sure that it is simply a bottle.

We guess talent after a single manifestation, but to guess character requires a long period of time and constant communication.

The Talmud is Jewish Catholicism.

Where health ends, where money ends, where the rational thinking of man ends, that is where Christianity always begins.

Those who here on earth drank their cup with joy, will pay up there with a hangover.

Gothic cathedrals are not being built now. In ancient times, people had beliefs; with us contemporaries there are only opinions, but opinion is too little to build a Gothic temple.

It's good for us, the Germans; no one is so mad as not to find someone even madder to understand him.

Only a great poet can understand the poetry of his time.

The poetry of the past is easier to understand.

Only bars separate humor from the madhouse.

Only a family sadness sheds tears, and everyone, in essence, complains about themselves.

Only a genius finds a new word for a new idea.

He who sees his God suffering, passes over his own sufferings more easily.

He who is on high must submit to circumstances, and so must the weather vane on the tower.

He who wants to influence the crowd needs the spices of a charlatan. Even God Himself, when He gave His commandments on Mount Sinai, did not miss an opportunity to flash and thunder thoroughly; The Lord knew his audience.

The English have more opinions than thoughts. We Germans, on the contrary, have so many thoughts that we cannot form an opinion.

Each age has its tasks, and the solutions ensure the progress of mankind.

Each age has its defects, which are added to the defects of the previous ages; this is exactly what we call the heritage of mankind.

Peoples have time, they are eternal; only kings are mortal.

He has the strength of a hundred lei, and the mind of a pair of donkeys.

The Romans would not have had enough time to conquer the world if they had first had to learn Latin.

The French people are a cat that, even if it happens to fall from dangerous heights, never breaks its neck: it always falls on its feet.

The French language is actually poor, but the French know how to use, in the interest of conversation, everything it contains, and therefore they are very rich in words.

The French madness is not quite so mad as the German, for the latter, as Polonius would have said, is a system.

Frederick the Great has great merit in German literature, including the publication of his poetry in French.

Christianity without the divinity of Christ is something like turtle soup, but without the turtle.

Christianity is truly the best religion after losing the battle.

The end and the means are conventional notions that man has invented. The Creator did not know them. Creation is an end in itself. Life is neither an end nor a means. Life means rights.

The older the person, the easier the arrows of irony penetrate him. It's much harder to guess dwarves.

what is music It occupies the place between thought and phenomenon; a mediator between spirit and matter, similar to both but different from them; she is spirit that needs a measured time; it is matter, which also manages without space.