Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

There is no dependence more bitter and humiliating than dependence on the will of man, on the tyranny of your equals.

Nothing can be loved but eternity, and no love can be loved but eternal. If it is not eternity, then it is nothing. The moment has full value only if it is shared from eternity...

Nothing distorts human nature like manic ideas. If a person is obsessed with the idea that all the evil in the world comes from Jews, Freemasons, Bolsheviks, heretics, bourgeoisie, etc., then the gentlest person turns into a beast.

The New Testament does not suppress the Old Testament for the people of old.

The main idea of ​​man is the idea of ​​God. The main idea of ​​God is the idea of ​​man.

The veneration of the saints overshadowed communion with God.

A saint is more than a man, but he who worships a saint is less than a man. Where is the man?

It is almost monstrous how men could reach such a state of consciousness that in the opinion and will of the majority he saw the source and criterion of truth!

The recognition of the will of the people as the supreme basis of public life can only be a worship before the contentless formal, only an idolization of human self-will. It is not important what man wants, what is important is that what he wants exists. I want what I want to exist. Here is an extreme formula of democracy, of the power of the people.

Psychoanalysis is a psychology without a soul.

Jealousy has nothing to do with human freedom. In jealousy, we are dealing with the instinct of ownership and dominance, but in a humiliating form. We must recognize the right of love and deny the right of jealousy, ceasing to idealize it... Jealousy is the tyranny of man over man. Female jealousy is even more disgusting, turning the woman into a rage.

Revolutionaries worship the future but live in the past.

Revolution is the end of the old life, but not the beginning of a new life, a reward paid for a long journey. The sins of the past are atoned for in the revolution. A revolution always shows that power has not served its purpose.

Revolution represents a breakdown of an old regime. And there is no salvation either in that which has begun to rot, or in that which has fully rotted.

The tragedy of the world can only be reconciled because it represents the suffering of God. God shares the destiny of His creation.

The autocracy of the people is an autocracy of the worst type, because in this case man depends on a large number of ignorant persons, on the dark instincts of the masses. The will of one or the will of a few cannot extend as far as the will of the many does.

The most ambitious people are the people who don't love themselves.

Freedom is the right to inequality.

The freedom of my conscience is an absolute dogma, I admit neither disputes nor agreements in this regard, here only a desperate struggle, and even shooting, is possible.

Freedom is not easy, as its enemies who slander it believe, freedom is difficult, it is a heavy burden. And people easily give up freedom to make their lives easier... Everything in human life must pass through freedom, through the test of freedom, through the rejection of the temptations that lie at the heart of freedom.

Death comes to us not only when we die, but also when our loved ones die. We have in our life the experience of death, even if not final.

To consider oneself a great sinner is as exaggerated as to consider oneself a saint.

It is difficult to understand and accept the psychology of pious Christians who calmly accept the fact that the people around them, sometimes even those closest to them, will be in hell. It cannot be accepted that the man with whom I drink tea is condemned to the eternal torments of hell. Moral consciousness began with God's question: Cain where is your brother Abel? Moral consciousness will end with another question of God: Abel where is Cain your brother?

Women have the extraordinary ability to create illusions, to be what they really are not.

The oppressed will never be able to rule, because in the moment of rule they become oppressors.

Utopias turned out to be much more possible to achieve than previously thought. And there is a nagging question: how to avoid their ultimate realization?

Christianity is not only faith in God, but also faith in man, in the possibility of discovering the divine in man.

Christ was not a founder of religion, but religion itself.

Man is a being dissatisfied with himself and capable of rebuilding himself.

Man is a slave because freedom is hard and slavery is easy.