Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

When you shoot you have to look above the target.

The most unbearable thing is to live without use.

The world has long been called a troubled ocean, and happy is he who walks with a compass.

Attachment has no expiration date: one can always love as long as the heart is alive.

Like the fruit of a tree, life is sweeter before it withers.

Love for one's own good gives rise in us to love of country, and personal pride gives rise to the pride of the people, which serves as the basis of patriotism.

Courage is a great quality of the soul; the people who are endowed with it should be proud of themselves.

Patriotism must not blind us; love of country is the action of a clear mind, and not a blind passion.

Words belong to one century, and thoughts belong to wholes.

Happiness is the work of fate, mind and character.

The talent of great souls lies in knowing the greatness of other people.

Most people die peacefully, because as little as they understand what is happening to them at that moment, just as little did they understand what happened to them up until that moment.

A heart as it were, that sadness is found.

Being neighbors does not mean being close.

At fifty you must have a hat and two ties, one white and one black: you will have to marry often and go to funerals.

In the life of a scientist and a writer, the main biographical facts are books, the most important events are thoughts.

In history, we learn more about facts, and understand less about the meaning of phenomena

None of them will fall in love with the man whom all women love.

In Russia there are no mediocre talents, simple craftsmen, but lonely geniuses and millions of underachievers. Geniuses can do nothing because they have no apprentices, and millions can do nothing because they have no masters. The former are useless, because they are too few; the latter are powerless, because there are too many of them.

In Russia, the center is on the periphery.

Do the clergy believe in God? The clergy do not understand this question because they serve God.

The worst thing is to realize that you are an addition to your own furniture.

We can be proud of anything, even the lack of pride, just as anything can fool us, even our own mind.

The highest level of the art of speaking is the ability to be silent.

A newspaper teaches the reader to think about what he does not know and to know what he does not understand.

Hygiene teaches how to be a watchdog of your own health.

The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its windows seen in the mirror: through them, the soul sees a street, but the street also sees the soul.

Stupidity is an overpriced luxury that only rich people can afford.

It is much easier to become smart than to stop being stupid.

Ladies only discover their minds when they snap out of them.