Even if they all hold the same opinion, they could all be wrong.
Indeed, the greatest thinkers of mankind are indifferent to happiness, especially to the happiness of other people.
Diagnosis has progressed so much that there are almost no healthy people left.
It is unlikely that Simeon the Pillar would have been fully satisfied if he had learned that another saint would have stayed longer on a much narrower tower.
If God existed, it is unlikely that he would be so conceited as to resent those who doubt his existence.
If a certain point of view is very widespread, it does not mean that it is absurd. More than that. Considering the stupidity of most people, that widely held view would be stupid rather than national.
Envy - here is the foundation of democracy.
From discussions with my scientist husband I always conclude that happiness is not given to us; but when I talk to the gardener, I convince myself of the opposite.
Of all types of prudence, prudence in love is far more harmful to true happiness.
The art of propaganda, as it is understood by modern politicians, is closely related to the art of advertising. Psychology, like science, is in many ways indebted to the advertiser.
Every man surrounds himself with comforting convictions that swarm around him like a swarm of flies on a summer's day.
How sad that people only agree with those things that, in fact, do not even interest them.
When the nuns, who wash without taking off their bathrobes, are asked why they need to be so careful, that no one sees them, they answer: "But God? He just sees them all!”
When we think of mankind, we think first of all of ourselves; no wonder we appreciate humanity so much.
When the path from the means to the end is not very long, the means become no less attractive than the end itself.
When the interlocutor reinforces the fact that he is telling the truth, you can not doubt - he is lying.
Personal vanity is wasted by friends, the familiar by the classmate, the class by politics, and the national by defeat in battle. But the vanity of mankind remains...
Love is the best way to escape the loneliness that plagues most men and women throughout their lives.
People prone to megalomania differ from people prone to narcissism in that they want to be powerful rather than attractive, to be feared rather than loved. To this type of man belong many demented persons and a great part of the famous men known in history.
Matter is not part of the matter of the finite world but merely a convenient method of linking events into a whole.
Cars are adored because they are beautiful; cars are valued because they are full of power. Cars are hated because they are disgusting, cars are despised because they enslave people.
The universe we live in can be understood as the result of chaos and chance, then this goal belongs even to an enemy of humanity.
The opinions of the average man are much less clumsy than they would be if each of these men thought for himself.
Many are ready to die rather than think.
We live with a double standard; one we share but don't use in practice, and the other we use but rarely share.
We love those who hate our enemies, and therefore, if we had no enemies, we would love no one.
We are not talking about faith when we talk about two times two making four or that the earth is round. We speak of faith only when we wish to exchange evidence for feelings.
An idea isn't original if we can't make a living with it.
Thinking requires effort and preparation. Politicians are too busy making speeches to think.
Science is what we know, philosophy is what we don't know.