The fate of all truth is to be first ridiculed and then recognized.
Usually what passes for optimism is no more than the natural ability to see things rosy.
He who exhorts to kindness must not rely on people to remove boulders from his path, but is obliged to accept his fate with humility, even when someone puts extra boulders in front of him.
Work is valuable only when one works with faith.
The purpose of human life is service, compassion and the inclination to help people.
Civilization is a great idea, so someone has to start making it happen.
Man masters nature, but he has not yet learned to master himself.
Man can be called moral only if life is so sacred to him that he values the life of plants and animals as that of his neighbor, and if he is willing to devote himself to helping all sentient beings who need help .
Humanity has always needed moral ideals that helped it find the right path and use its forces in the most effective way.
The more deeply we look into nature, the more we understand that it is full of life, and the more thoroughly we learn that all life is a mystery and that we are intimately connected with all the phenomena of life in nature.
To learn to pray, we must learn, first of all, to give thanks.
Ethics is an unlimited responsibility for all living beings.
Being ethical is more than being altruistic!
I do not know what your fate will be, but one thing I know for sure: truly happy will be those who sought and found a way to serve people.
But what is life but a chain of inspired absurdities?
Never miss your chance - you don't come across it every day.
The English are a nation of amateurs, and not of professionals; their generals are just like their writers - amateurs. This is why we always won the wars and created the greatest literature in the world.
The Englishman thinks of morality only when he is not feeling well.
Take care of a penny, and the pounds will take care of themselves - this proverb is as valid for the formation of personality as it is for the accumulation of capital.
Because of maternal instinct, the woman would rather own a single share in a hundred of a first-rate man than the whole stock of a second-rate one.
Rich people who lack conviction are more dangerous in modern society than poor women who lack morality.
The bureaucracy consists of hired officials, the aristocracy, of idols, and the democracy, of idolaters.
As a result of democratic elections, out of a large number of the uninformed, a small number of the bribed are obtained.
A great work of art is a painful victory of brilliant spirit over brilliant imagination.
A thief is not the one who steals, but the one who was caught.
All autobiographies are fake. No person can be so bad as to tell the truth about his life by training his family, friends and colleagues in this way, as the truth demands. And no one can be so virtuous as to tell his successors the truth in a document which he keeps hidden until there is no one left to contradict him.
All women, without exception, believe that they have a sense of humor because they like to laugh at their girlfriend; but only one in a thousand has sense enough to laugh at herself.
Common respect for money is the only thing in our civilization.
Money is more important than anything in the world. They are both a living mirror that gives us hope, the only healthy place of our social consciousness. and evident of health, strength, honor, bounty, and beauty, as well as sickness, weakness, dishonesty, baseness, and their servitude reflects their defects.
The newspaper is a printed object that does not see the difference between falling off a bicycle and the catastrophe of civilization.