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The wise man is able to understand even the thoughts of his neighbor by observing his behavior and attitude.

Even though there are many mice in the imperial palace, no one needs them, although they are close at hand; the bird called the hawk, though wild, is sought after, is caught, and sits on the king's hand.

No matter how much you anoint a bitter fruit with honey, you will not change its bitterness into sweetness.

A brave man knows himself in sorrow, and faithful friends in need.

Woe to him who prides himself on his lie, When his son is a fool and lazy. It is a pity that the fruits of his good nature and mind are not left to the Heir.

We all rot, that's the way of the world. We are sparrows, death - waiting. Today-tomorrow, every flower withers. And death always pulls on the graters.

"Some damage - everyone," you keep saying angrily. Let's overcome the evil greed: Give first, be kind and be more honest, And others will start to give to you.

Gone were the great, the beautiful and the mighty, all bowing their heads to the Evil One. They under the dust lie in cold graves, Those who also created parks and castles. Those who in life had everything, Only the shroud and took it as their home. So I say: do good in a hurry Because it doesn't matter how much you have in life.

In the crypt the dead sleeps peacefully, he will not rise again. This is how he gave it to us: an eternal law written in heaven.

Look at this world with a smart and sober eye, And you will see how everything will change on the spot, The world is an ocean, you boat make of good deeds, Easy and quiet you will cross it.

We, the living, the day of death makes us equal, We will all be indistinguishable!

Name, mind, health and gentleness, These threads four gifts the good Creator gives them. The man who from infancy has part of these, May he not know what sadness is, may he live a long life.

The monkeys had grown cold in the harsh winter, When the firefly lit up with a warm flame. "Let's warm up, goodbye heavy sufferings", They threw a hand of the sorcery on the fireflies.

The world prospers, and you are condemned to tremble from the cold, But be the world as crooked as it wants, you yourself be in the world straight.

It's this fleeting world out of the hand of a sorcerer, only phantasms around and empty semblance, Don't be seduced by good ghost, But against evil do well to wake up!

Neither the wife, nor the house, nor the children can keep the wise man in place.

They don't let you be stolen by quiet indifference, The world is dishonest, it sells you - it doesn't even care. The evil core hides behind a deceptive face: In deed it is evil, but its face is beautiful.

The one whose soul is small cannot become great, He will not climb the pedestal, no matter how great his power will be...

Hurry to enjoy yourself with the sparkling wine, The nobility of the soul is shown in it, The worthy from the unworthy separates, And those who have become slaves, selling themselves. But what a special joy this wine brings us, When the rose throws sparks like the amnar. And how many cities did not fall at his feet! And how would you manage to worship your stallion. And as the greedy merchant, drunk with wine, Hastened and wasted his goods.

Oh, woe to us, what a misfortune we have in the bear world! It is joy in this world with bitter doubt.

Deception, enmity, do not lead to any good, And no one, when needed, shows up. Choose the sweetest fruit yourself, the bitter one - poison - don't touch it!

O frivolous youth, thou hast not the inclination to speak Of those who are the part of the wise, why thou hast not seen, nor knowest. Aloe has a bitter taste, in vain you seek its sweetness, and it will never be a willow scented like sandalwood.

Don't be afraid of obstacles, man, and remember: winter is followed by hot summer.

My story is about a bee... She, once gathering honey for the hive, Saw - better not to have seen! - A flowered pitcher, on the bank of a water. And to let the bee over the flowers... And when night fell around her, She didn't think it was time to leave. And the pitcher took it to the bottom of the water.

Fate is unfair to the wise. That's why he works without rest. And take, when you are given, but give, likewise, from the heart, Gather, but generously share with others.

The owls decided to fly in broad daylight along with the cuckoos. But, being like crows, they fell and broke their wings.

If you find some wealth, don't let yourself be caught in the arms of vanity, Because the world has seen and will see people like you again.

More modern than all poets of new taste and meaning, I can turn stone into finer verse than silk.

You are a snake charmer, and the world is like a snake, by its bite you will die, charmer.

He trusts wisdom alone without doubt and to the end.