Mocking friendship is contempt for wisdom.
It is a crime to procrastinate when a great way opens before you.
It is not difficult to have joy, but it is good to be strong in adversity!
Only he who knows how to bear sadness will enjoy happiness.
He who in life is without mind and lie is his idol, He does not know how to keep secrets and will perish in the end.
It is hard for him to be in need, who does not know how to find a friend.
This is the law of love: all are brothers to one another.
The soulless man lives as his head is cut off. The mindless man is self-willed and poor.
The waters in which I enter have not been tried by anyone.
The bread of strangers is bitter, and it is hard to cross the threshold of a foreign house.
Do not oppose the god of lovers: For whatever path you take, Lost the battle, be convinced.
There is no greater suffering than remembering happy times.
Deception and force - these are the weapons of the wicked.
The hottest corners of Hell are reserved for those who, in times of the greatest moral crises, have maintained their neutrality.
The wisest of men is the one who is most disturbed by the loss of time.
You go your own way and let people talk what they want.
Compassion is not a feeling, but rather a noble disposition of the soul, in which it is ready to harbor love, mercy and other virtuous feelings.
Doubt gives me no less satisfaction than knowledge.
He struggles in an unparalleled torment Who, in trouble, remembers happy times.
Often people leave themselves to the flow of time! But our rickety boat is endowed with a rudder; why does man leave himself to the will of the waves and not follow his own desires?
In the mirror, as you know, everything is upside down. But without it we would never see ourselves!
Good and evil are not two separate concepts, they are inseparable.
Make your fellows smart, for a stupid friend Is sometimes more to be feared than a smart enemy.
Blindfold yourself and let your heart see.
Love is the astrolabe of truth.
I am either praised, or cursed, or glorified, or reviled.
After I die, do not look for me in the earth, but in the hearts of enlightened people.
Words are like a garment, and the meaning is a mystery hidden under it.
The word is powerless, you told me. But if what you say is true, it means that your word about the powerlessness of the word is also powerless.
The wicked, looking at a peacock, do not see its beauty, but its defect: crooked legs.