Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

Those who have the conscience and the sense of their own value do not fear that others are smarter more learned, more beautiful than them. In the same way they do not consider themselves much superior to those whom they, in turn, surpass, because it seems to them that all these are of very little importance compared with the good will for which they respect themselves, and which they suppose each to have man.

Isolation should be sought in large cities.

Although only stupid and ignorant people are not naturally capable of wonder, yet the capacity to wonder does not always go hand in hand with the degree of spiritual endowment.

It is impossible to invent something so original and incredible that has not already been said by some philosopher.

Aristotle taught me to satisfy my reason only with what convinces my judgment and not only with the authority of the teacher.

Anyone can speak confusedly, only a few can speak clearly.

To destroy the doctrine of Copernicus, it is not enough to shut someone's mouth. All astronomical science must be forbidden, and moreover, anyone must be forbidden to look at the sky!

Logic is a tool used in philosophy; and as you may be an excellent craftsman in the construction of instruments, unable to make any sound out of them, so you may be a remarkable logician, unable to make proper use of your logic.

Ignorance is the mother of malice, envy, covetousness, and all such base and vulgar vices, and also of sins.

Nothing remarkable in the world has been accomplished without passion.

Truly, just as they lack ears, these people also have their eyes closed to the light of truth... This type of people believe that philosophy is a kind of book, like the Aeneid or the Odyssey, that truth must be sought not in the world, but in comparing texts.

A companion is only necessary in unknown and wild countries, and in open and smooth places only the blind need a guide. And the blind man will do well to stay at home. He who has eyes and reason must use them as guides. I am not saying that we should not listen to Aristotle, but on the contrary, I commend those who research and study him diligently. But I condemn the tendency to let yourself be influenced by Aristotle so much that you blindly trust everything he says.

This is the power of truth: you try to reject it, but your very attacks give it even more value.

Science begins with the death of dogma.

To require men to lay aside their own judgments and submit to the judgments of others, to appoint persons, wholly ignorant of science or the arts, as judges of scientists, are innovations which may lead to the ruin or destruction of the state.

I'd rather find a single truth, even in trivial things, than to argue about important things for a long time without arriving at any truth.

Limbus is a disease of age.

The fear of doing something shameful is called courage.

In wine, longing seeks its relief, hesitation - courage, indecision - confidence, sadness - joy, and finds only loss.

The great fame of the people is made by the writers.

Swearing means nothing to us writers, we live to be shouted at; only silence leads to our destruction.

Good people are like stars, beacons of the time they live in, lights of the times.

Care for people, once crept into the human heart, turns into a real treasure, before it becomes a source of peace.

Excessive boldness is as great a vice as excessive shyness.

True happiness does not lie in the multitude of friends, but in the dignity and freedom of choice.

The opinion of a man, as of almost any creature, depends on the distance from which you look at him.

Many could make their way to heaven instead of hell by putting in half as much effort.

Not everyone who can write verses is a poet.

Misfortune never conquers him whom happiness has not deceived.

Just as love without respect is fleeting and fickle, respect without love is cold and lifeless.