Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

It is more useful to know a few wise rules that may always serve you, than to learn many things that are useless to you.

Use true pleasures in such a way as not to harm the future.

A condemnation from bad people is like praise.

The defects of the old must be overcome by work.

Defects are learned even without teachers.

After death there is nothing.

Haste hurts itself.

It is praiseworthy to do what is proper and not what is permitted.

Why does man not recognize his faults? Because he is still immersed in them. It is the same as asking the sleeper to narrate his dream.

True speech is simple.

Before you tell something to others, tell it to yourself first.

The villain may sometimes escape punishment, but not the fear of it.

Nature gives enough to satisfy natural needs.

Against the misfortunes of life there is the good of death.

May he who steps on our threshold look with admiration at us, and not at our tableware.

Drunkenness is consented madness.

Equality of rights does not consist in the fact that all use it, but that it is given to all.

May discord come from others, and reconciliation from you.

The wounds hurt even from a light touch.

Speech is the ornament of the soul: if it is carefully trimmed, made up and garnished, then it is clear that there is nothing genuine in the soul either, but only pretense.

People's speech is the same as their life.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Man can only find out in practice what he is capable of.

So many are unworthy of the light and yet the day begins.

No matter how long you live, you must learn all your life.

How many slaves - so many enemies.

Miserliness is generous in spending time.

You must quietly listen to the remarks of the ignorant.

An immeasurable joy can depress us.

Death brings a resolution and an end to all pain and is a boundary beyond which our sorrows do not pass.