Reflecții și Maxime vol. I.

Do the facts in such a way that you are not ashamed of yourself.

They are all like that, and learn mastery to be above them.

Do not let sleep linger in your eyelashes, cunningly steal you without giving your third thought to the deeds of the day. / What's wrong? and the deed and all that was not done? / Go through the balance-starting from the first to the last.

The best way of life lies in the practice of righteousness and the other virtues, both in life and in death.

How would I like to be? - as the people I admire would want me...

Where would I like to live? - ... where love would always be shared...

What do I hate the most? - The evil in me...

How would I like to die? - Better and beloved.

Wise is he who lives every day as if every day and every hour he might die.

To believe everyone is too much, but not to believe in anyone is a big mistake.

Each person adopts a lifestyle and an attitude. Then decency, even interest, recommends you to remain faithful to them.

He who does not protest, consents.

I believe only in the action of deep causes. Accident, caprice, do not go far, especially if they go against the nature of things.

To do something not to be glorified, / but to say only to yourself: "She's good! It's great!"...

The profession of witness has always caused me repulsion. What am I if I don't participate? In order to exist, I must take part.

Man is perishable, but let us perish by resisting, and if nothingness is reserved for us, let us behave in such a way that we will not have a rightful share of it.

To live with the inferior, as you would like the superior to behave with you.

Prove your words with deeds... The most important point of wisdom - and a proof at the same time - is to match the deeds with the words of the man, to make him at all times equal to himself and the same.

To help someone climb the peaks, it is not enough to show them from afar.