Give me a good novel or memoir, some tea and a comfortable place to curl up and I'm in heaven. I love living in another person's thoughts; I marvel at the connection I feel with people who come alive on the page, no matter how different their circumstances are from mine. Not only do I feel like I know these people, but I understand myself so much better. Knowledge, information, teachings, inspiration, strength, all this and more is offered by a good book. I can't imagine where I would be or who I would be without reading (..) Books are a way of escape for me. Today, I consider reading a good book a sacred privilege, a possibility to be wherever I want to be. It's my favourite way to spend my time. I truly know that reading broadens horizons. It reveals and gives you access to whatever your mind can grasp. Most of all, I love the fact that reading gives you the opportunity to have big aspirations. And to keep moving forward.