Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

Reality helps us to create a piece of ideal together with sin.

Jealousy, a weakness for a man, is for a woman a strength that awakens her ingenuity. She inspires women not so much hatred as courage.

Shyness is the greatest sin against love.

Chance is God's pseudonym, when he does not want to sign with his own name.

It is easier to create the world than to understand it.

Mediocrities who don't know what to do with their lives, dream of another one that will last forever.

Older people hold their opinions too consistently. This is why native Fijians kill their parents when they get old. Thus, they facilitate the progress of evolution, while we inhibit it by creating Academies.

Sons believe in the virtue of their mothers. And the daughters - but less so.

Only the poor pay cash, and not because they are virtuous, but because they are denied credit.

Only a free citizen has a homeland; the slave, the serf, subject to a despot, has only his native country.

The wonder is not that the starry sky is so vast, but that man measured it.

To die is to commit an act whose consequences are incalculable.

Scientists are the most uncurious people. You should never ask a scientist about the mysteries of the universe that are not on display in his display case. They don't interest him.

A cute mug? That's like judging wine by its cork.

Christianity has done much for love by declaring it a sin.

It is human nature to think rationally and act illogically.

The main task of man's life is to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.

Humanistic ethics understand by "good" the confirmation of life, the discovery and development of human potential, and by "virtue" - the responsibility for one's own existence.

For man, everything is important, except his life and the science of living. He lives for almost everything but himself.

If a person can live without constraint, not mechanically, but spontaneously, then he is aware of himself as an active creative personality and understands that life has only one meaning - life itself.

Man's task is to expand the space of his own destiny, to strengthen that which contributes to life, in contradiction to that which leads to death. In speaking of life and death, I have in mind not the biological state, but the ways of life, its mutual relationship with the world.

The idea that man was created in the image of God leads not only to the idea of ​​equality between God and man, but even to the idea of ​​independence from God; from it also derives that central conviction for humanism that in each person the whole of humanity is contained.

Human history begins with the act of disobedience, which is at the same time the beginning of its liberation and intellectual development.

The ultimate purpose of history is to redeem the tragedy of the existence of men who were destined to die without realizing the essence of their natures.

The unfortunate fate of many people is the consequence of an unfounded choice. They are neither alive nor dead. life is a burden and useless activity to them, and actions are only the means of protection against the torment of existence in the kingdom of shadows.

The awareness of his loneliness and isolation, of his helplessness in the face of the forces of nature and society, turns his isolated existence into an intolerable prison. His posting experience is alarming; moreover, it is the source of all concern. To be detached is to be cut off, without any possibility of using human forces. Therefore, it means to be powerless, unable to actively influence things and people; that means the world can invade me and I'm unable to react.

The concept of "being alive" is not a static but a dynamic concept. Existence is the same as discovering the specific forces of the organism. The actualization of potential forces is the innate property of all organisms. Therefore, the discovery of human potentials, according to the laws of his nature, should be considered as the goal of human life.

From the moment the child comes into this world, he realizes that he is alone, that he represents an essence separate from all others. This isolation from the world overwhelms the powerful and often threatens him and is more dangerous than individual existence, because it leads to a sense of helplessness and anxiety.

The progress of psychology does not consist in separating the so-called "natural" sphere from the so-called "spiritual" sphere and focusing attention on the former, but in returning to the sublime tradition of humanist ethics, which considers man in his bodily integrity- spiritual, believing that man's goal is to be himself, provided he achieves his goal - to be a man for himself.

To destroy life is also to go beyond its limits.