We cannot understand human personality if we do not examine man in his integrity, including the need to find the answer to the question regarding the meaning of his existence and to find out the norms, according to which he must live.
I believe in freedom, in the right of man to be himself, to defend himself and resist all those who try to prevent him from being himself. Freedom, however, is something more than the absence of oppression. This is not just "free from..." but "free to...", namely the freedom to become independent.
I believe that the fundamental human choice is the choice between life and death. Every action involves this choice.
I am convinced that no one can "save" his neighbor by making a choice for him. All a person could do to help another is to put in advance, with sincerity and love, but without sentimentality and illusions, the existence of an alternative.
Kindness is a quality whose excess does no harm.
If peace is not established among the great so-called civilized nations, we may without exaggeration suppose that they will all share the same fate, and that every country participating in the war will disappear forever...
If you don't think about the future, you won't have it.
Life is not a galloping horse that goes straight, without detours, from start to finish.
Titles double the size of events.
Idealism increases in direct proportion to the distance to the given problem.
Every man wants to be righteous, but not everyone succeeds.
Love that fears obstacles is not love.
There are no two people who share all their thoughts with each other without reserve, except for rare moments of closeness... Everyone around thinks too much about saving appearances.
Not a day must pass without each of us repeating to ourselves: "For the sake of all that is holy within us we must shun war!"
Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to man what smell is to a rose.
Loneliness is not the worst thing; the worst is to remain impassive.
One-sided self-sacrifice is a thin foundation for a life together because it offends the other person.
A hazard is greater the less likely it is.
Only he who cares about the great human and social problems should write.
Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed with their help.
Would human life - and it is so fragile - be preserved in spite of all our troubles and hardships, if it were not worth living?
Justice is a machine that, after being given an initial start, runs on its own.
God is love; this is the only truth I fully recognize. Love is equal to God.
In matters of conscience the law of the majority has no effect.
There are more important things in life than accelerating its speed.
In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
To a man with an empty stomach, God is food.
If you want the world to change, be that change.
If we want to achieve real peace around the world, we have to start with the children.
If you face an adversary, defeat him with love.