Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

Statistics is the science of making numbers think and understand when you can't.

Happy is he who can love his wife as a mistress, and unhappy is he who allows his mistress to love him as a husband.

Happiness does not lie in living well, but in understanding and feeling what it would consist of.

Happiness is not a reality, but only a memory: our past years seem happy to us, when we could live better than we lived, and when life was better than it seems to us in a moment of memory.

The secret of the art of writing is knowing how to be the first reader of your own work.

Tears from the theater make you unaccustomed to everyday tears.

Only in mathematics two halves make a whole, in life everything is different: for example, a crazy husband and a crazy wife are certainly two halves, but put together, they are two crazy people, and they will never represent a smart whole.

The triumph of historical criticism: from what the people of a certain period say, to be able to hear what is kept silent.

Labor is more valued when capital is cheap. Mind is more valued and power is cheapened.

As artists, as a result of permanent contact with art, the aesthetic sense decreases, being replaced by the aesthetic measure.

With them, the thought does not attract the words, but it hardly catches up with them.

The mind is extinguished by contradictions, but the heart is nourished by them. You can hate someone because he's a scoundrel, but you can die for him because he's your neighbor.

Knowing how to write legibly is the first rule of politeness.

Scientific theories that have two opponents and no readers.

Fanaticism is ready to generate anarchy in the name of order.

Character is power over oneself, talent is power over others.

A good woman, getting married, promises happiness, a bad woman - waits for it.

To wish to be someone other than yourself is to wish to become nobody.

Christs appear rarely, like a comet, but Judases are as many as mosquitoes.

Famous gypsies are famous only abroad, because they have no homeland.

Man is the biggest animal in the world.

The man worked intelligently, kept working, and suddenly realized that he rotted worse than his work.

To be a good teacher you have to love what you teach as much as you love those you teach.

To be clear, an orator must be sincere.

To defend the homeland from enemies, Peter devastated it more than any enemy.

To warm Russia, they are ready to set it on fire.

To be bad, you must learn to be good; otherwise you'll just be disgusting.

We summoned a foreign mind from Western Europe to teach us to live by our own mind, and we tried to replace it with our own mind.

Egoists complain most of all about the selfishness of others, because they suffer the most from it.

I am too old to grow old: only the young grow old.