Enciclopedia Înțelepciuni

Perhaps the walls of Jericho fell down because the brass blew into them too much?

Poor earth, all our shadows fall on it.

To God - what is God's, to Caesar - what is Caesar's. What about people?

Even on the throne your pants gnaw.

Be careful not to become someone's wheel of fortune!

It happens that the standard bearer takes the flag in another direction.

Sometimes the bells rock the bell ringer.

It happens that laurels take root in the head.

In the hanged man's house there is no talk of the rope. But in the executioner's house?

In some sources of inspiration, the muses wash their feet.

Big times can accommodate a lot of little people.

To resurrect without the consent of the murderers - what courage!

Only the dead can rise. The living have it harder.

Everything is in the hands of man! Therefore, they must be washed more often!

All the shackles in the world form one chain.

Hamlet's question sounds different in every country.

It is said that he who has lost his teeth has a freer tongue.

They proudly wore tags on their chests with a price they could not be bought for.

Only then are you interested in garbage - when it's fertilizer.

Let's destroy the Bastilles before they are built.

Even a prophet's beard can be shaved.

Even in his silence there were grammatical errors.

For lovers and horses, hay smells different.

If the art of conversation were refined, the birth rate would decrease.

Living is bad for health. He who lives - that dies.

And pilgrims' feet sweat.

A chain can easily be made from scratch.

Sometimes the devil tempts me to believe in God.

Sometimes you have to be rude to be appreciated.

In every flock there is a black sheep.