A Calendar of Wisdom

A misconception remains a misconception, even when it is shared by the majority of the people.
If life is good, then death which is the necessary part of 'life, is good as well.
Real life exists only in the present. The future has no meaning.
The purpose of real life is to fulfill the law of God, which exists eternally: it always existed, it exists now, and it always will exist.
Do not bother about what will happen someday, somewhere, in the far away distance, in a future time; think and be very attentive to what happens now, here, in this place.
As soon as you go into the future or the past, you go away from God, and you feel lonely, deserted, and enslaved.
The future does not really exist. It is created by us in the present.
There is a condition in which a person feels himself the architect of his life. It occurs when he concentrates all his efforts and all his intellect on the present moment.
The world would be a terrible place without newborn children, who bring with them innocence, and the hope of man’s further perfection.
Childhood is blessed by heaven because it brings a piece of paradise into the cruelties of life. All these thousands of everyday births are fresh additions of innocence and purity, which fight against the end of mankind, and against our spoiled nature, and against our complete immersion into sin.
What time could be better than childhood, and what virtues could be better than innocent joyfulness, and the need for love? They are the purest manifestations of life. You should respect every person, but you should respect a child above all, and not destroy the innocent purity of his soul.
The knowledge we now accept as science interferes with more than it supports the goodness of human life.
Astronomy, mechanics, physics, chemistry, and all other sciences together and differently, all study the particular sides of life, but they do not come to any conclusion about the spiritual life of mankind.
Science fulfills its purpose, not when it explains the reasons for the dark spots on the sun, but when it understands and explains the laws of our own life, and the consequences of violating these laws.
No matter how great our knowledge may be, it cannot help us fulfill our life’s major purpose - our moral perfection.
The voice of conscience makes no mistakes. It wants, not the fulfillment of the animal self, but its denial or sacrifice.
A Christian who does not know where he goes (John 3:8), or what is given to him by God (John 3:34), does not know his life’s real purpose.
As our self-interest diminishes, our anxieties disappear, and then comes quiet and firm joy, which always diffuses us with a good spiritual disposition and a clear conscience. Every good deed helps to kindle this feeling of joy within us. The egoist feels lonely, surrounded by threatening and alien events; all his desires are sunk in his own concerns. A kind person lives in a world of beneficent events, whose goodness matches his own.
A person who lives only for the concerns of his body may become lost in the labyrinth of an animal and sensual life, while the soul will always find truth; it will find the way.
The voice of your conscience can always he singled out above the noise of your other wishes, because it always wants something seemingly useless, seemingly senseless, seemingly incomprehensible, but at the same time something actually beautiful and good, which can be achieved only through effort.
The real faith attracts people of itself not because it promises goodness to those who believe, but because it is the only escape, not only from all the problems and troubles and misfortunes of our life, but also from the fear of death.
If you know that you lack faith, know also that you are in one of the most dangerous situations in this world a person can be in.
It is bad not to have something for which you are ready to die.
Look at the causes of the misfortunes from which mankind suffers. Push beyond the obvious causes to the root causes, and you will inevitably find that the most basic, the most important cause of each and every one of humanity’s problems is the weakness of faith that comes from a false attitude to the world and its origin.
Salvation lies not in rituals and not in a particular creed, but in a clear understanding of the meaning of your life.
You cannot serve both god and the devil. Merely tending to the growth of your wealth has nothing to do with the requirements of the truly spiritual life.
It seems to me that the old prejudice that wealth brings happiness has begun to be discredited.
The love of great wealth commends you, “Bring me your soul as a sacrifice,” and people will do so.
Excessive dress prevents the body from moving freely. Excessive wealth interferes with the movements of our soul.
The desire for wealth can never be satisfied. Those who have it are excited by the wish to have more, and yet more.