A Calendar of Wisdom

The will to accomplish your good intentions depends on whether you voice them. You remember the things of which you spoke in your youth as if they were flowers that you tore out of a flower bed and threw away, and then saw lying on the earth, faded into the dirt.
In the important questions of life, we are always alone. Our deepest inner thoughts cannot be understood by others. The best part of the drama that goes on deep in our soul is a monologue, or, better to say, a very sincere conversation between God, our conscience, and ourself.
Temporary solitude from all things in this life, the meditation within yourself about the divine, is food as necessary for your soul as material food is for your body.
A sage is not afraid of lack of knowledge: he is of hesitations, or hard work, but he is afraid of thing - to pretend to know the things which he does not know.
You should study more to understand that you know little.
Never be ashamed to admit what you do not know.
Real wisdom comes, not from knowing what is good and what should be done, but from knowing which is the better thing and which is the worse, and therefore, what should be done and what should be done later.
To be wise one must study both good and bad thoughts and acts, but one should study the bad first. You should first know what is not clever, what is not just, and what is not necessary to do.
Religion is that which tells a person who he is and what the nature of the world in which he lives is
We should teach our children those principles that are common to all religions - Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and so on, that is, for the moral science of love and the unification of all people.
Most people do not listen to God but adore him. It is better not to adore but to listen.
Moral teaching is not complete if it is not religious, but religious teaching is useless if it is not based on morality, that is, if it does not lead to a good life.
Big wealth will not give you satisfaction. The more your wealth grows, the more your requirements grow with it.
It is difficult if not impossible to find some reasonable limit for acquiring more and more property.
You should acquire the kind of wealth which cannot be stolen from you by thieves, which people in power cannot take from you, which will stay with you even after your death, never diminishing and never disappearing. This wealth is your soul.
There are two ways not to suffer from poverty. The first is to acquire more wealth. The second is to limit your requirements. The first is not always within our power, but the second is always in our power.
Real love refers not just to love for a particular person but to the spiritual state of loving everyone.
To love means to live within the lives of those whom you love.
Do not force others to love you: just love others, and you will be loved.
A holy person's lives in the world, but he is concerned most of all about his attitude to people. He can feel all people, and he can sense all people, and all people turn their ears and eves to him.
Without love nothing can bring you goodness, and every action inspired with love, even if it seems small and unimportant, will bring you some fruits afterward. —From the Book od Divine Thoughts
Religion is the highest form of love.
The more a person expresses his love, the more people love him; and the more people love him, the easier it is for him to love others. In this way, love is eternal.
Your spirit must constantly assert itself because your body is constantly exerting itself. As soon as you stop working at your spirit, then your body will have complete power over you.
What is not clear should be cleared up. What is not easy to do should be done with great persistence.
We suffer from our vices, and try to struggle with them, and the reason for this struggle is that we are not perfect. But our salvation is in this struggle with vices, and if God were to take away our ability to fight our vices, then we would be left with them forever.
A good thing is always done with an effort, and when the effort is repeated several times, then a good thing becomes a habit.
Do not detest any action which helps you to achieve good, or even more importantly - which can prevent you from doing evil.
Illness should be viewed as a natural condition of life.
Neglecting your health can prevent you from serving people, and too much attention to your body and its health can bring the same results. In order to find the middle way, you should take care of your body only to the extent that doing so helps you to serve others, and does not stop you from serving them.