A Calendar of Wisdom

Never build, but always plant: in the case of the first, nature will interfere and destroy the creation of your work, but in the case of the second, nature will help you, causing growth in everything you planted. The same thing happens in your spiritual life: those things which are in harmony with the eternal laws of human nature will grow, but those things which correspond to the temporal wishes of people will not.
The question of life’s meaning is a difficult problem which cannot be solved. So, too, is the question, “Why did God send us into this world?” But the meaning of life becomes very simple when a person asks himself, “What should I do?”
Your life may be cut short at any time; therefore, your life should have a deep purpose, a significance that will not depend on whether it is short or long.
There is only one way, if you want to live without understanding the meaning of your life: to become addicted to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, and to live in the world of permanent entertainment.
This world is not a joke but rather a place for a trial, a way station to a better, eternal world. Our purpose is to make it a better and more joyous place to live, for those who live with us and those who come after us.
Our soul’s perfection is our life’s purpose; any other purpose, keeping death in mind, has no substance.
Helping others takes the form not only of physical aid, but of spiritual support for your neighbor. Stop blaming your neighbor and respect his human dignity.
Do not think that you are generous because you give your excess wealth to a poor person. Real generosity requires that you. give this person a place in your heart.
He is virtuous who does not pay any attention to libel and evil speech.
You should be truthful: you should avoid wrath; you should give to those who ask, because they ask for small things. You will become holier by following these three paths.
With humbleness, kindness, and self-sacrifice, you will take the weapon from any enemy. Any fire dies if there is insufficient wood.
Try not to hide the shameful memories of your sins in dark comers. On the contrary, keep them close to you and remember them, before you judge your neighbor.
War is murder. No matter how many people get together to commit murder or what they call themselves, murder is the worst sin in the world.
People of planet Earth are on a very low level of development. Every day in the newspapers you read the news about military treaties, about the preparations for war, for mass manslaughter. People do not understand that the life of each man is his own personal private property.
The majority of people now understand not only the uselessness, but also the stupidity and cruelty of any war.
Until such time as people reject the power of government to govern, to tax, to legislate, and to punish, war will never stop. War is the consequence of the government’s power.
Just as one candle lights another and can light thousands of other candles, so one heart illuminates another heart and can illuminate thousands of other hearts.
Beware of those who want to convince you that it is impossible to strive for good just because it is impossible to reach perfection.
Good books are a good influence. Good art is a good influence. Prayer is an influence as well. But the strongest influence is the example of a good life. A good life becomes a blessing for people, not only for those who live good lives but those who can see, know, and understand such lives.
It is difficult to bring people to goodness with lessons, but it is easy to do so by example.
Beware of groups of people who are harmful for your soul. Try to avoid them. You should praise good company and seek it.
If a passion embraces you, you should remember that this passionate desire is not a part of your soul, but a dark covering which shuts out the true qualities of your soul.
You should be a lantern for yourself. Draw close to the light within you and seek no other shelter.
A person’s soul may be compared to a transparent ball which is lit from the inside with its own light. This flame is not only the source of all light and truth, but it illuminates everything around you. In this state, the soul is free and happy. Only if it becomes addicted to anything outside you will it become troubled, darkened, and impenetrable. Distractions obstruct the light which shows you the way.
The soul is a mirror in which you can see the reflection of divine intellect.
As soon as you feel passion, try to feel in yourself the understanding of your divine nature. As soon as you perceive that your divine nature is inactive and that you are possessed by passions, fight with these passions.
Life is not destroyed, only changed, by death.
The future is only an illusion inferred from our present state. What is important is not the length of life, but the depth of life. What is most important is not to make life longer, but to take your soul out of time, as every sublime act does. Only then does your life become fulfilled. And do not ask yourself questions about time. Jesus did not explain a thing about the eternity of life, but his influence brought people to the eternal.
Faith in eternity is given to us not in meditation, but in life.
It is not reasoning which will convince you of the necessity of life after death, but example: when you walk very close to a person, hand in hand, and this person disappears into an abyss, over there, stop in front of the abyss and try to look within it.