A Calendar of Wisdom

The more a person analyzes his inner self, the more insignificant he seems to himself. This is the first lesson of wisdom. Let us be humble, and we will become wise. Let us know our weakness, and it will give us power.
Water does not stay on a mountain-top, but flows into the valley. In the same manner, real virtue does not remain with those people who want to be higher than the others; but virtue stays only with people who are humble.
After the Talmud
Try to find out your potential. After you know it, do not be afraid to underestimate it. Be cautious not to exaggerate it.
A person’s life is good only to the extent that it fulfills the expectations of the will of God.
Evil, in the form of suffering and death, is everywhere apparent to a person who accepts the law of his material, animal existence as the major law of his life. Only when a man lowers himself to the state of an animal does death and suffering scare him. The only road open for him to escape that fear is the road of fulfillment of the law of God, the law which is expressed in love. There is no death and no suffering for a man who lives according to the law of God.
Be as you are, as you have to be, and the rest is God’s business.
The fulfillment of our duties and the satisfaction of our personal pleasures are two different things. Duties have their own laws, and even if we try to mix our duties with our pleasures, they will separate themselves.
After Immanuel Kant
We know the law of God, both as it is presented to us by the different religions of the world and as our own conscience, when it is not obscured by passion and prejudice, and we can easily understand the applications of this law to our life, for all real good stems from its requirements.
It is obvious for everyone that death expects us all in the long run; but nevertheless we live our lives as if there will be no death.
If only God is among us, and eternity exists, then everything is different. We can distinguish good from evil, light from darkness, and despair disappears.
One of the key questions we face is whether our lives end after death. Whether we believe in eternity or not determines our actions. Therefore, it is crucial that we determine what is mortal in us, and what is eternal, and that we cherish those things eternal. Most people do exactly the opposite.
After Blaise Pascal
The more deeply you understand life, the less you grieve over the destruction caused by death.
Whatever name you give to the origin of man, this spiritual quality of humans to understand, feel, and exist, it is holy, it is divine, and, therefore, it should be eternal.
Religion is a philosophy which can be understood by anyone.
A person can please God only with the godliness of his life. If an outwardly faithful person is not good, clear, and humble in his life, then he presents a big lie, he serves God falsely.
After Immanuel Kant
Religion is simple wisdom which is directed to the heart and understood by the intellect.
Religion can enlighten philosophical meditations; philosophical meditations can strengthen religion. Therefore, try to communicate both with truly religious people and truly good philosophers, alive and dead.
A holy spirit lives within you.
Intellect can be enlightened only in a kind person. A person can be kind only when he has an enlightened intellect. One helps the other.
A merchant married a princess, and he built a palace for her, bought luxurious dresses for her, and brought her hundreds of servants to make her happy. But the princess was bored. She was missing something, and she constantly thought about her royal origin. Thus it is with a human soul: you can surround it with all the pleasures on earth, but it will still be missing its home, the beginning which is called God, the place from which it has originated.
After the Talmud
Even if people do not know what real kindness is, they nevertheless have it within them.
God lives in every one of us. When a person remembers this, the thought of it can save him from evil, and help him to do good.
There is simplicity of nature, and there is simplicity of wisdom. Both of them evoke love and respect.
The greatest truth is the most simple one.
When people speak in a very elaborate and sophisticated way, they either want to tell a lie, or to admire themselves. You should not believe such people. Good speech is always clear, clever, and understood by all.
Simplicity is the consequence of refined emotions.
Words can unite people. Therefore, try to speak very clearly, and tell only the truth, for nothing can unite people more than truth and simplicity.
The younger and the more primitive a person is, the more he or she believes that life is material and that it exists only in the body. The older and wiser a person becomes, the more he or she understands that all life originates from the spirit.
Look at the sky, and at the earth, and think that all things pass. All of the mountains and rivers you see, and all the forms of life, and all creations of nature, all pass. Then you will understand the truth; you will see what remains, what does not pass.
Remember that you are not mortal; only- your body is mortal. What is alive is not your body but the spirit living in your body. An unseen force guides your body, just as an unseen force guides the world.
After Marcus Tullius Cicero